Cooking, eating, and sharing good food to families and friends explains my personality. Preparing good food for them and knowing each and everyone enjoys my food is awesome. I am fascinated with color that these food offers, I think the characteristics of different colors my food got, the better and more satisfying in all sort. That's why I love fresh ingredients.
My ability to cook came from my Dad and my passion for cooking is a talent from GOD for sure. At early age, I see Dad cooks for weddings and every big celebrations that I knew in the neighborhood. He was a good cook. When you say big celebration, it means, five or six pigs to be slaughtered, and it takes two days to cook and the whole community eats and enjoys every single food in the menu. Varieties of tropical fruits like mangoes, bananas, and coconuts were everywhere and they were free. We don't usually buy these stuff, they were always available and if not, just ask your neighbor.
Tess B.