Sunday, April 1, 2012

Creamy Mango and Strawberry Popsicle


10 strawberries
1 ripe mango
1 cup sweet milk
1 8 0z heavy cream
1 cup regular milk


1. Put all ingredients in the blender, fruit should be coarsely blended. Pour them in a popsicle molder or you can use a 1/2 size treat bags. Put them in the freezer overnight.


  1. I need to try these! Here in Quito they sell popsicles like this on the street and they are really popular. I bet our friend's kids would love them!

  2. we call this ice candy in Philippines, we use grated string young coconut or blended avocado instead of strawberries...and used mostly plastic for bulk preparation, like dozens :)! thanks for the comment.
